Basic Fire Safety Awareness


Started on March 12, 2025

Basic Fire Safety Awareness

Employers must carry out risk assessments for basic fire safety which can be carried out as part of an overall assessment or as a separate assessment in it’s own right.  Fire assessment risks must be kept up to day and employers must make sure that sufficient measures are in place to protect life and minimise the risk of injury

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to all workplaces regardless of the number of employees. It requires employers to provide adequate training in fire awareness for all members of their staff. Our online fire awareness training course fulfil employers legal requirements and details how to implement fire safety measures in the workplace.

Benefits of taking this Fire Safety Training

By the end of this fire safety training online course your will

  • Be able to use your knowledge of the elements of combustion, fuel, heat and oxygen, to carry out fire risk assessments
  • Understand the four ways which fire can spread
  • Understand the most common causes of fire and be able to incorporate this knowledge into your fire safety plan
  • Have knowledge of the correct equipment and processes to put in place to minimise fire associated risks in your organisation
  • Have a basic understanding of different types of fire extinguishers and the material each should be used for. Our course on Fire Extinguisher Training gives a more thorough and indepth training in the use of fire extniguishers and fire blankets
  • know what actions you need to take if you discover a fire or if the fire alarm sounds. Studies have shown that most people use the time available badly. People, on average, spend two thirds of available time deciding on whether the situation is real or false and waiting to see the reaction of the people around them before they act.

This fire awareness training course is a concise and cost effective way for employers to meet the fire safety bill legal obligations and it is advised to be used in conjunction with our comprehensive Fire Marshal Training and Fire Extinguisher training.

Course ContentModule
Chemistry of Fire1
Common Causes of Fire2
Basic Safety Features in Buildings3
Introduction to Fire Extinguishers4
What to do in Cases of Fire5
Course Assessment

Online assessment for Basic Fire Safety Awareness is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. You will receive a PDF certificate of the award directly to your inbox on successful completion of the course. Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 60 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

Other fire safety training courses offered by Agile Career Training Ltd are:

Fire Marshall Training
Fire Extinguisher Training