Developing Good Employee Relations


Started on March 12, 2025

Developing Good Employee Relations

Successful businesses help and encourage those who work for the to fulfil as much of their potential as possible to enable them perform at their best for the company. Creating and maintaining good employee relations strategies sets the groundwork for the positive communications and having an environment people enjoy being in. Survey Monkey, in a human resources online poll, offer their 5 tactic guide to employee relations here.

Benefits of Good Employee Relations
  • Growth of the Company:  Employees develop loyalty toward employers they feel valued by.  They will give their job their best efforts when they are working in an environment they enjoy..
  • Reduction in Turnover: There is usually a much higher turnover in staff with poor employee relations as unhappy workers seek out  new employments they are happier in.
  • More Expertise: The reduction in staff turnover and having employees stay longer with the company means workers who have more, and better, knowledge of the company’s goals and are in a better position to meet those goals.
  • Fewer Absences: A well motivated and engaged workforce enjoy coming into work and providing the company with the best they have to offer.  A well motivated and valued employee is less susceptible to physical and mental health problems.
  • Reduction in Conflict:  Conflict is inevitable in every organisation as opposing views push to promote their positions.  However, where there are good employee relations, people are more likely to look for a resolution to conflict and are better equipped to move on from conflict then those who are unhappy in their work.

This course defines employee relations and covers the many benefits good relations can bring to an organisation. It explains how a solid employee relations strategy builds confidence in management and their human resources capabilities. This includes sharing the company vision, building strong teams and placing a high value on employee feedback. It also examines how a proactive HR presence benefits employee relations. We then look at employment contracts, the employment relations act 1999 and the role of the Employee Handbook.

The course looks at performance management including common incentives for motivating employees and how management values the contribution of everyone who works for the company. Finally, the course outlines strategies on how to deal effectively with complaints. We look at disciplinary procedures and the what to include in the Employee Handbook.

Course ContentModule
Good Employee Relations1
Implementation and HR2
Employee Handbook4
Managing Performance5
Recruitment, Retention and Training6
Complaints, Discipline and Negativity7
Course Assessment

Online assessment in developing good employee relations training is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 45 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

Other related courses to this Employee Relations Strategy Training course includes:

Conflict Resolution
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