Effective Delegation Training


Started on March 12, 2025

Effective Delegation Training

Effective delegation requires strong inter-personnel and management skills and the ability to identify the right staff members to delegate to.  Consider the qualities you want in the people you delegate to.  These may include their commitment to the success of the company or the knowledge and experience they bring to the task. It is also worth considering the level of authority each employee is capable of assuming.

Who is this course for?

Delegation is one of the essential management skills for those who run businesses or who manage people in the course of their job. The ability to delegate gives you more time to work on the goals of your company while routine tasks are delegated to others. It also empowers and encourages others to put their best into their work without feeling they have someone constantly watching them. Importantly, the ability to delegate is a prerequisite for any real growth in a company as there is a limited number of tasks you are physically able to do.  Delegating efficiently to your team enables better streamlining and faster growth in the business.

Delegation is something many managers struggle to do well.   Our effective delegation training illustrates why so many managers fail to delegate and how this can be overcome by changing the way we look at work. Managers reasons are often due to is an unwillingness to demonstrate tasks to others and often struggle to let go of tasks they enjoy or tasks that give a sense control over operations

Delegation and Business Success

The most effective managers don’t strive to be superheroes. Instead, they’re exceptional at picking good people to do what they need to have done, and then letting them get on with it. It’s an unfortunate fact that if you’re good at your job, people will want much more from you. This can lead to more pressure and more overload, leaving you stressed unhappy and feeling like you’re letting people down.

However, there is a way to turn this into a tremendous opportunity, a proven strategy to get yourself back on the road to success – delegation. Managers with outstanding management skills are always excellent delegators. The good thing about delegation is that you are in charge because you decide which task and what level and how much of the task you want to delegate. It’s a good idea to plan for different amounts of delegation in different circumstances. This will let you respond efficiently if circumstances suddenly change.

Why Delegate?

Efficiency Boost

Delegation can greatly improve team efficiency when it allows work to be transferred to people whose skills are a better match for the work. As a manager, your central role is to plan the way forward for your team. Once you have team members carrying out most of the routine activities, you’ll have more time to plan and focus on your team’s next moves.

Increased Motivation

Many people become highly motivated when tasks are delegated to them. They feel more engaged. If you’ve ever had an important task delegated well to you, you may have felt trusted and important. Having to think about the task, consider alternatives and make choices may have made your work more interesting and rewarding.

Team Development

As a manager you possess valuable management skills and abilities you can pass on. The best way of doing this is to coach them in new skills, then delegate tasks to them so they can use those new skills. Not only is delegation great for developing individuals and the team as a whole, but it also helps you build up your own coaching and mentoring skills

Organisational Resilience.

Training other people to do critical work increases the resilience of the organisation. If only one person knows how to complete key tasks, and that person is suddenly unavailable or leaves, it can threaten the efficiency and security of the entire organisation. Effective delegation ensures the organisation can survive.

Overcoming Barriers to Delegation

The course expands management skills into the elements of delegation that prevent people identifying and overcoming barriers to delegation. These barriers can psychological or situational barriers and can originate from you, a team member or from the organisation itself. The first stage of overcoming these barriers it to identify them.

Here, the course takes the learner through the most common barriers and lays out processes to overcome them. You will also learn how to explore barriers that are specific to your experience and situation. Examples of some of barriers that prevent managers and employers to delegate well are:

You: The perception that you don’t have enough time to adequately explain the task, or teach people the necessary skills.  Here , the manager has to accept the fact that the time required to delegate properly is a test of your management skills and an investment on which the returns are not immediate.

Team member: Fear of being made as scapegoats. Some individuals may feel that if anything goes wrong, you’ll try to blame them instead of accepting accountability yourself. To deal with this, make sure your words and actions say otherwise. Tell them that if something goes wrong, you’ll never sacrifice team members and will always acknowledge your responsibility

Organisational: . These are most often caused by lack of resources, such as an insufficient budget or not enough tools, materials or personnel. If any of these barriers are present in your situation, make sure you remain flexible. Make efforts to resolve the situation and never blame team members for problems which are out of their control.

The Process of Delegation

There are three key questions you should ask about every task.

  1. Should it be delegated?
  2. If the task can be delegated, at what level of responsibility should you delegate the whole task or elements of it?
  3. Do you have enough time to delegate the job effectively?

If you can say yes to these three questions, then you can start delegating. However, be aware of one vital quality that has to run throughout. If it’s missing at any point the whole delegation process is likely to fail, and that quality is clarity. This part of the training is where you will gain the tools to enable you implement a delegation process where both you and the team member you delegate to clearly understand:

  • Exactly what needs to be done
  • Why you have chosen this person is the right person to do the task
  • Exactly who’s responsible for which task and establish the lines of authority and deliverables, between you, your delegate and the wider team
  • Time by which the task must be completed.
  • How communication between you will take place and what the likely topics will be
Course ContentModule
The course structure1
What is delegation, why is it so important?2
Elements of delegation3
The benefits of delegation4
Overcoming the barriers to delegation5
Choosing what to delegate6
Who you should delegate to7
The process of delegation8
Completion, follow-up and evaluation9
 Course Assessment

Online assessment in effective delegation training is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 110 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

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