Emergency First Aid at Work – Annual Refresher


Started on March 14, 2025

Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher

The law requires employers and the self-employed must ensure immediate medical help is available for anyone who is injured or get ill in a workplace under their control. This person must be suitably qualified and have undertaken a recognised Emergency First Aid course, with includes CPR training. Every workplace must appoint a person in charge with emergency online first aid training, provide an adequately stocked first aid kit, maintain it and give information to everyone in the workplace on what the first aid arrangements are in the event of an accident, injury or illness.

Who is this Course designed for?

This course is designed for First Aiders who completed a “First Aid at Work” official training within the last three years.  It is recommended that this knowledge is refreshed annually and our training course is designed to provide this as an online refresher.  After a period of three years have elapsed, candidates are required to complete a full, on site, First Aid at Work Training as they are no longer recognised as qualified First Aiders.

This course is a comprehensive refresher course which covers most of the likely accidents and illnesses that happen in the workplace. If you are taking this course, you will be familiar with the elements involved.

ABCD Methodology and the Recovery Position

emergency first aid at work

CPR training

ABCD system which is applied to the patient’s lifeline. Our emergency first aid at work refresher, examines this method which will help you react to the situation if you suddenly find yourself in a situation where first aid will be needed.

  • A stands for assess the scene.
    • What caused the accident or injury?
    • Could the cause of the patient’s injury also injure you? For example, if the patient was hurt by some dangerous machinery, would it also be dangerous to you? If it would be that’d be two casualties and that wouldn’t help anyone.
  • So you could stand clear and wait for the ambulance to arrive because the next a is alert the emergency Call for an ambulance as soon as you can whether you can help the patient or not. If you need to stay with the patient or don’t have a mobile, get someone else to do it.
  • Now another A Make sure the patient’s airway is open and that they can breathe.
  • That brings us to B. Check that the patient is breathing by simply putting your ear to their mouth. If they’re not Apply, that’s another A, your barrier and give them rescue breaths.
  • Now we’ve got to C – Circulation. If the patient isn’t breathing, the blood will not be circulating and won’t be reaching the vital organs that keep us alive.
  • So we move to another C chest compression – pressing down on the patient’s chest to stimulate the blood flow.
  • D is This is the process of attempting to restart the heart, always popular in medical dramas.
  • Finally, S brings us to serious bleeding management, shock management and spinal injury management.

CPR training:  emergency system we use to keep the patient alive while we try to restart a heart which has stopped.

AED Defibrillator: analyses the heart rhythms and tells you what to do, either with a recorded voice or with visual instructions. You don’t need to have training to use it.

First Aid Emergency Situations

The emergency first aid at work training course takes you through how to make assessments and what to do in each of the following emergencies.

  • Choking:
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Shock
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Breaks
  • Head Injuries
  • Sprains
  • Burns and scalds
  • Electric Shock
  • Eye Injuries
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • Strokes

Managing Incidents and Record Keeping

There is a specific module in this emergency first aid at work refresher, for managing incidents and record keeping, taking your through the generic steps of managing any incidents.  If you find yourself at the scene of an accident or an emergency, the first, and most important thing is, of course, to stay calm and assess the situation.

The module takes you through stages from potentially taking charge of the situation through to going through the ABCD method and any other emergency procedures that is required and within your capability, while you wait for the emergency services.

You need to record any treatment you’ve given them including times – anything you’ve done for them. You also need to record their name and address their age and next of kin. You finally need to give your own details with the date time and place of the incident.

Remember that the information you will have been given by the casualty is confidential and only give it to the medical professionals or emergency services. Additionally, if the incident has happened at work, you’ll need to formally report it to your employer. This may involve filling in a form or an accident book or reporting online. There may also be specific timescales within which the report should be submitted. You should also be aware of this and find out the specific policy used within your place of work.


Emergency First Aid at work is covered under the The Health and Safety (First Aid) 1981 Act and details employers responsibilities to provide “adequate and appropriate” facilities in the event that someone is injured or taken ill at work.  The legislation applies to all workplaces, regardless of the size of the company.  While those who are not classified as employees of the company are not directly covered by the regulations, the HSE strongly recommend that employers take account of everyone who in on their premises to be taken account of when planning a first aid strategy.

Course ContentModule
What is First Aid?1
Barriers, ABCDs and The Recovery Position2
CPR training and AED3
Spinal Injuries7
Head Injuries9
Incident Management11
Burns and Scalds12
Electric Shock13
Eye Injuries14
Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis and Diabetes15
Heart Attack and Stroke16
Emergency First Aid at Work – Online Annual Refresher

Online assessment in “Emergency first aid at work, refresher” is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates require 70% correct answers to secure a pass.  PDF certificate will be sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copy certificate on requrest.  Duration: 150 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.  It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions) CPR training

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