Fire Marshal Training


Started on March 12, 2025

Fire Marshal Training

Employers, and those who manage commercial properties, must conduct fire risk assessments and ensure their fire safety evaluations are revised regularly. Using the findings of these evaluation, managers and employers must ensure sufficient fire prevention and safety measures are put in place to protect their workforce, contractors and other visitors to the site, in the event of a fire. This includes the training of a responsible person as Fire Marshal for those who employ more than five people. This training course will give you a comprehensive understanding of the role and the duties of a fire marshal. The responsibilities of fire marshals broadly fall into two categories

  • The prevention of fire
  • Safe evacuation in the event of a fire

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Act governs fire safety in the workplace. Article 21 details how employers must provide employees with adequate training in fire safety and a fire marshal should be trained from among their workforce. The name of the fire marshal  must be recorded where there are five or more employees in the company. Officers who enforce fire safety can use their own judgment on whether the “responsible person” is compliant with the Fire Safety Order by examining the fire safety risk assessment records.

Who is this course for?

This training course is suitable for the designated fire marshal or anyone who is responsible for overseeing safety in the event of a fire in a commercial or organisational setting.  A good rule of thumb for the number of people who should be designated as fire marshal is one for every twenty people working in the organisation, with one personal designated as the main responsible person.

It is strongly advised that fire marshals should refresh their knowledge of the content within this course on an annual basis. In any event, retraining is a requirement every three years.

Fire Prevention

This training course is accredited by both CPD and RoSPA and provides learners with the knowledge needed for fire prevention. This will enable the responsible officer make an effective and robust risk assessment. You will learn how to identify risks and how to incorporate this in your risk assessment.  The course will also take you through ways of reducing the risks that fire poses in the workplace, through awareness, implementing simple measures and through the use of fire drills.

This fire marshal training illustrates processes that must be completed in the event of a fire and the procedures to follow to allow you identify and deal with fire hazards along with common causes, types of fire and ways you can prevent the spread of fire.

The course begins the anatomy of fire and how the fire spreads. We examine the main components and elements of combustion and cover detailed theory of the fire triangle with easy examples to illustrate what these are. You will learn about the different ways in which fires can start, how they spread and the materials that help and hinder the spread of fire.  The training moves on to examine common causes of fire and how each should be handled in the fire risk assessment to put effective processes in place.

We cover ways to plan and implement full evacuations and how to oversee a fire emergencies.   This part of the course discusses safety features and the importance of familiarising the whole workforce with these features. We also examine current fire safety regulation that relate to  the role undertaken by a fire marshal.

The course then briefs learners on the selection and usage of fire extinguishers.  The option to use a fire extinguisher should only be done after evacuation and then, only if the fire marshal is confident that the fire can be extinguished with the use of a fire extinguisher. The types of fire extinguishers include water, dry powder, foam fire, carbon dioxide, wet chemicals. You will learn the correct fire extinguisher to use on each type of fire, and how they should be used. We offer a more comprehensive training on the use of fire extinguishers in our Fire Extinguisher Training.

This course is a comprehensive training guide in setting up a solid fire safety strategy for your company or organisation.

Safe Evacuation

We cover ways to plan and implement full evacuations and how to oversee a fire emergencies.   This part of the course discusses safety features and the importance of familiarising the whole workforce with these features. We also examine current fire safety regulation that relate to  the role undertaken by a fire marshal.

The course then briefs learners on the selection and usage of fire extinguishers.  The option to use a fire extinguisher should only be done after evacuation and then, only if the fire marshal is confident that the fire can be extinguished with the use of a fire extinguisher. The types of fire extinguishers include water, dry powder, foam fire, carbon dioxide, wet chemicals. You will learn the correct fire extinguisher to use on each type of fire, and how they should be used. We offer a more comprehensive training on the use of fire extinguishers in our Fire Extinguisher Training.

This course is a comprehensive training guide in setting up a solid fire prevention and safety strategy for your company or organisation.

Course ContentModule
Chemistry of Fire1
Common Causes of Fire2
Basic Safety Features in Buildings3
Introduction to Fire Extinguishers4
What to do in Cases of Fire?5
Fire Statistics6
Current Fire Safety Legislation7
Fire Risk Assessment8
Preventative Measures9
Safety Features within Buildings10
Role of the Fire Marshal11
Action on Fire Discovery12
Fire Drills and Evacuation13
Fire Extinguishers14
Pre-Engagement Action15
Using a Fire Extinguisher16
Course Assessment

Online assessment for Fire Marshal Training, is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 220 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

Other related courses offered by Agile Career Training Ltd are

Basic Fire Safety Awareness