Introduction to HACCP Level 2


Started on March 14, 2025

Introduction to HACCP Level 2

When you finish this course, you’ll understand the basic concepts and methodology of HACCP and will have the knowledge to take the HACCP examination in accordance with the course syllabus

  • The course looks at critical control points and analysis key hazards that includes microbiological, chemical, and allergens
  • You will know how to determine control points, and avoid cross contamination in the food chain.
  • You’ll learn how to take corrective actions if limits are breached,
  • You will know how to compile prerequisite programmes – necessary for the implementation of HACCP
  • The course delves into hazard analysis and gives you tools on how to decide which hazards are significant and must be addressed in the HACCP plan.
  • The modules of the course are put together to take you step by step through the implementation of HACCP. This section will be supported with downloadable documentation, charts and tables.
  • The course will teach you how the seven principles of HACCP are integrated into the full HACCP process.

Microbiological Hazards and Controls.

There are five groups of micro organisms that may cause foodborne illnesses, viruses, bacteria, parasites, moulds, and protozoa. Food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms does not necessarily taste, look or smell bad. Only microbiological testing will reveal whether food is contaminated with pathogenic micro organisms.

The course looks in detail at the different types of micro organisms giving examples of those most commonly found in contaminated food.  We will look at the conditions in which they  thrive and measures to take to keep food safe from them. There will also be information on foods that are higher risk, usually foods that are high in protein, and require very strict temperature controls and protection from contamination.

Chemical Hazards and Controls.

Food is full of natural chemicals that are essential to health, such as vitamins and minerals, but some foods contain potentially harmful natural toxins. Most natural toxins occur in just a few foods. Other natural toxins are produced when the food is damaged.  Usually natural toxins will only be harmful if you consume them in large quantities over a long period of time. Some examples of chemical hazards are

  • pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilisers can contaminate crops and vegetables.
  • metals such as nickel and mercury can be found in fish and vegetables.
  • miso toxins, toxic chemicals produced by fungi that can colonise crops.
  • Food packaging both primary and secondary or external packaging
  • chemical contamination from cleaning and industrial chemicals and fumes

Prevention is the most effective chemical hazard control and this course will give you information on how to implement a successful chemical control programme.

Allergens and Cross Contamination

While food allergies have their own distinctive effects, allergens can be grouped with chemical hazards, particularly when looking at cross contamination and prevention methods. Allergens cause an immune system reaction that can affect numerous organs in the body causing a range of symptoms. Sometimes an allergic reaction to a food can be severe or life threatening.

We look at the main foods that are recognised as food allergens. There are currently 14 allergens and products containing these allergens are legally controlled throughout the EU. The list will likely increase as research progresses.

Even the smallest of traces of an allergen can cause a severe reaction in some people. So it’s essential not to spill one food onto another, and to use clean utensils both for preparation and service. Always segregate different types of food either by preparing at different times, or in different areas.

Please see our Allergen Awareness course to gain a greater understanding of allergies. covers general allergies, food allergies and food intolerances and explains the differences between them. It gives a greater understanding of the 14 allergens controlled by legislation along with food additives and how they can trigger allergic reactions.

Pre-Requisite Programme

Implementing a successful HACCP programme begins with the “Pre-Requisite Programme”. The course explains how to fulfil this requirement, giving guidance and templates to work with.

A prerequisite programme takes the form of a document included in the HACCP, which shows how the FBO has addressed and will continue to address the prerequisites. Managers have a legal responsibility to provide training in prerequisite programmes and HACCP from the very start of someone’s employment. This should include additional training for supervisors and instructors along with training in the applications of HACCP principles for anyone involved in the development and maintenance of the HACCP system.

The Seven Principles: Implementing HACCP Level 2

The course gives clear steps on how the Seven Principles of HACCP are integrated into an effective system using a 12 step programme.

Documentation is key and is essential to the application of HACCP system. It also demonstrates the importance of CCP monitoring to staff. The amount of documentation needed will be appropriate to the size and nature of the business. Documentation is part of your company’s legal compliance. It’s required for verification and internal and external audits and for whenever there is a complaint or illness investigation.

There is a considerable amount of commitments needed to implement a successful HACCP plan but implementing HACCP gives many benefits. Some of these include

  • Good reputation with the community and customers, thus increasing profits
  • Creating an effective HACCP system increases quality
  • A higher standard of inventory control thus reducing costs
  • Consistency in the approach to food safety and food hazards creates higher levels of awareness in staff

*The Food Standards Agency’s website details more information and offers the tool, MyHACCP, which is aimed at small food manufacturing businesses in the UK. It is a free web tool that guides business through the process of developing food safety management systems based on the HACCP principles. Our “Introduction to HACCP Level 2 ” course, combined with the MyHACCP online tool, will show how your business can identify and control any hazards that can occur in food manufacturing.  Please note: access to the tool is not available to food businesses outside the UK.

Course ContentModule
Key Definitions1
Microbiological Hazards and Controls2
Chemical Hazards and Controls3
Allergens and Avoiding Cross-Contamination4
Physical Hazards and Controls5
Prerequisite Programmes6
Implementation of HACCP7
Principles of Hazard Control in Practice8
Introduction to HACCP Level 2 Training


CPD Units ‘2’

In this training, HACCP Level 2 questions and answers are carried out through multiple choice. Candidates require 70% correct answers to secure a pass.  PDF certificate will be sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copy certificate on requrest.  Duration: 80 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.  It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Other Food Safety Safety Courses  offered by Agile Career Training Ltd are
Allergen Awareness
Agile Food Safety Level 1 Catering
Agile Food Safety Level 2 Catering
Supervising Food Safety Level 3
Achieving Food Hygiene Level 5