Prevent Duty Training


Started on February 24, 2025

Prevent Duty Training

“Prevent Duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.” Prevent was an initiative that was first introduced in the UK in 2003 and it’s scope was broadened in 2011.  It’s aim is to identify those who could be vulnerable to being radicalised and intervene before they become involved with terrorism or extremism.

Intelligence indicates that further terrorist attacks in our country are ‘highly likely’. Experience tells us that the threat comes not just from foreign nationals, but from terrorists born and bred in Britain. It is therefore vital that our counter-terrorism strategy contains a plan to prevent radicalisation and stop would-be terrorists from committing mass murder

The course examines some of the reasons people become extremists and how they move on to become radicalised and in rare cases, terrorists.  The Three Prevent Objectives are:

  • challenging the ideology,
  • supporting vulnerable people, and
  • working with key sectors.

By the end of the course you will understand how to deliver the prevent strategy, and how to apply a risk based approach to your actions, supported by the available infrastructure. We’ll highlight the key areas of this approach, including effective leadership, working in partnership and the capabilities needed by frontline staff. You will be given advice on legal and ethical way to share information and understand how the Prevent strategy is monitored and enforced with detail on the support available from central government.

Delivering Prevent with a Risk Based Approach

Prevent is coordinated from and by the Office for Security and Counterterrorism OSCT in the home office and the Home Secretary is the lead minister. Prevent duty is prioritised in the light of the risks we face. The type and scale of the risk varies greatly and can change rapidly. But no area, institution or body is risk free. We look at how the three themes (below) and examine how they are implemented.

  • effective leadership,
  • working in partnership and
  • appropriate capabilities.

Extremism and Radicalisation

Extremism has many forms and promotes different ideologies, but the radicalization journey is often very similar.

We’ll  look closely at extremism, radicalization and terrorism – outlining the radicalization journey and listing the warning signs that might indicate something is going wrong. There’s no single route to terrorism, nor is there a simple profile of those who become involved. For this reason, any attempt to produce a profile can be misleading. However, there are a number of behaviours and indicators that may point to the early stages of the radicalization process and we look at some of the most common key indicators, at various stages and radicalisation.

This Prevent duty training gives best practice advice on what you should do if you’re concerned or if anyone comes to you with concerns and the support that is available.  If you feel your concerns are serious, you local authority Lead Channel Process is designed to support and safeguard individuals vulnerable to all forms of radicalization. It’s a voluntary early intervention scheme, which helps people make positive life choices.

Early intervention is best. However, before any intervention, effort should be mad to fully understand the situation and motivation of the person identified as there’s a wide range of social and health services available. This help will be outlined later in the course.

The Channel Process

Channel is an early intervention multi agency process, which is designed to safeguard vulnerable people. It works with people of any age who may be at risk of being exploited by extremist or terrorist ideologies.

It is made up of a panel chaired by someone from local government who works with a range of multi agency partners. They have structures in place to enable them decide as a collective if a support package is needed. This support can come in several forms including health, education, employment or housing

The course concludes with summing up the values which we all aim to live by in the UK and encourage those around us to make part of our everyday life. They are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, which the course looks at in detail.

Prevent duty training comes under the remit of the Home Office and your can access current legislation under the Revised Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales

Course ContentModule
Introduction to the Course1
What is Prevent?2
Prevent Objectives3
Delivering Prevent with a Risk-Based Approach4
Delivering Prevent with a Risk-Based Approach5
What Should You Do if You Are Concerned?6
The Channel Process7
British Values8

Online assessment in this Prevent Duty course is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates require 70% correct answers to secure a pass.  PDF certificate will be sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copy certificate on requrest.  Duration: 65 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.  It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Children who are attracted towards ideas of terrorism often display behavioural problems in other areas.  Other related courses are Positive Handling in Schools and Lockdown in Schools Procedure.