Stroke Awareness


Started on February 5, 2025

Stroke Awareness

Strokes are the fourth single leading cause of death in the UK, as well as a leading cause of disability. Having stroke awareness of the causes and symptoms of a stroke will help you act fast in a situation where you suspect someone is having a stroke and provide them with the best chance of receiving the treatment they need and minimising the long term impact of the condition. Strokes are life threatening and occur when a blood clot prevent the blood supply to the brain.  Immediate treatment is needed in the event of a stroke – the sooner a patient is treated, the less the likelihood of permanent damage.

  • The patients face might drop on one side and their mouth or eye may drop also.
  • The patient might not be able to lift their arms
  • The patient may not be able to speak or they may sound like they are slurring their words. They may also have difficulty in understanding what people are saying.

A stroke happens when the blood supply is stopped or restricted to the brain potentially leading to brain injury or even death. The two main causes are:

  • ischaemic –   The majority of strokes happen when a blood clot forms and prevents the flow of blood to the brain
  • haemorrhagic – In about 15% of cases, a stroke occurs as a result of  weakened blood vessels that supply blood to the brain bursts

Strokes are treated with medicines that dissolve blood clots and reduce blood pressure. Sometimes surgery is required to remove a blood clot or to treat swelling in the brain to manage the risks of further bleeding.


Recovery from a stroke can be a long process of rehabilitation before they can resume an independent lifestyle.  In the UK, local authorities provide victims of a stroke with reablement and charities such as Stroke Association provide support.  Some people will need ongoing care for the remainder of their lives and many are left with permanent injuries to their brains.

This course will cover the types of strokes, the symptoms of a stroke and risk factors. It will also cover the treatment options and the longer term impact of the condition.

Course ContentModule
Signs and symptoms1
Types of stroke and their causes2
Diagnosis, treatment and recovery3
Post stroke problems and care4

Online assessment in this stroke awareness course is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates require 70% correct answers to secure a pass.  PDF certificate will be sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copy certificate on requrest.  Duration: 55 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.  It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions). Symptoms of a stroke

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